Thursday, August 20, 2009

Three words not to live by: “This is Africa”

Africa is known as “the cradle of civilization,” and yet it is forever epitomized as the “dark continent.” It is a continent in which its people have been subjugated to colonialism, human trafficking, civil or ethnic wars, and extreme poverty. It is a vast preserve of fauna and flora that covers an abundant reserve of precious minerals, and the battleground among non-African nations seeking to extract its rich resources. So, why is that anytime something unusual or bad happens on this continent you hear the utterance “This is Africa” or in its shorten version “TIA”?

Often in life we can overly use a word or saying that eventually becomes our mantra. It is through this repetition that we become conditioned to it and learn to accept it as our realty. This seems to be the case in Africa, because anytime something goes wrong, someone automatically says “This is Africa!” And it also seems that these three words are a contagious disease, because non-Africans are saying them too.

This urgent need to say “This is Africa” when problems occur, reminded me of something that I heard during a
Connecting with Africa Conference: “Western or Indigenous Democracy: What is the Choice for Africa?” held in Minnesota in August 2008. Professor Tamrad Tademe of St. Cloud State University/Minnesota, who is also an Ethiopian, commented “that most Africans are on the defensive that when anytime something happens in Africa we feel compelled to apologize.” He further commented by saying that Western nations ask Africans “what is wrong with Africa.” Professor Tademe responded “what is wrong is Africans have a damaged mindset from colonialism and racism.” And he followed it with this quote “The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed” by Stephen Bantu Biko, an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa in the 1960s who was later killed.

I see these three words as a means to oppress minds. This is why this non-African has grown tired of it, and anytime I hear it being uttered I just cringe. So now when I hear someone use it to justify an incident, I kindly ask the person to stop saying it and explain that it is not a very good excuse for what occurred. I feel compelled to caution people in using this saying, because it can constrain their minds from seeing that things can be better or different. This is why I encourage and challenge Liberians not to accept the status quo by saying these three words. I hope Liberians can create a new saying that promotes positive change and embraces a better future.

Since June, I have heard similar notions about the need for changing mindsets from two Liberians, who are also clergymen, as they shared some profound insights at various events. In listening to these two clergymen, it became quite clear that they too believe Liberians should not accept their current situation, but to strive for something better. The next two paragraphs give insight to what these two Liberian men were trying to convey to their audiences.

On June 5, 2009, I attended a special presentation by the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission called “Reconciliation Healing” that featured the Rwandan Genocide Survivor Immaculee Ilibagiza as the keynote speaker. During this program, Monsignor Andrew Karnley of the Catholic Diocese of Monrovia got up to share this story: “Two men were looking out of the window of their prison cell. When asked what they saw, one man said he could only see mud and the other man said he could see stars.” Monsignor Karnley analyzed this story and said, “Currently most Liberians see mud and only a few see stars, so it is my hope that all Liberians can start seeing stars.”

On August 16, 2009, I attended the second anniversary of the World Harvest Church in New Georgia Estate of Monrovia. Reverend Claudius Deah of Mission Bethel Ministries was invited as the guest pastor for this special occasion. Before starting his sermon he took a moment to illustrate the difference between “satisfaction” and “dissatisfaction.” He commented that satisfaction is when we accept things as they are and dissatisfaction is when we know there is still room for improvement. So he concluded that it is better not to be blinded by satisfaction, but continue to be dissatisfied while seeking improvement.

These two clergymen have offered something else for Liberians to consider then those three tiresome, overused words. So, I will leave this post hoping Liberians continue reaching for the stars and striving for improving their lives and nation.

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